There is an extremely important fact within white Supremacism that demands there has never been and continues to be no mechanism in place to prop up the feigned ideology of their superiority over everything on the planet Earth. For there to be a system in place to ensure they are dominant means they are really *not* supreme and have needed their own brand of generational Affirmative Action (for lack of a better mocking description) for centuries.
They simply will not admit there has always been a foot on the scale that placed them in the state of being "white" by assignment of skin color and as a measure of human value, supposedly superior to Black people.
While there are those who may admit to Racism as simply interpersonal behavior, they will throw themselves in the sword of their own victimhood rather than admit to a system of denial and discrimination in equality, equity, opportunity and justice aimed at Black people, which is the only thing hiding their mediocrity.